Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The War Of Fidel Castro - 870 Words

Reflective Paper In January 1959, the brutal dictator of Cuba Fulgencio Batista was overthrown by the army of Fidel Castro. As a new leader he had a lot of attention and people wanted to know what political road he was going to go down. He chose to be a communist, the United States did not like this and refused to acknowledge him. With the U.S. not wanting any affiliation with him, he drew closer to the Soviet Union. President Dwight D. Eisenhower wanted to overthrow Castro so he raised an army of Cuban exiles and trained them in the jungle. The army was ready, but Eisenhower was no longer the President. John F. Kennedy was left to choose whether to launch the invasion or to back off. Kennedy didn t like Castro at all, President John F. Kennedy went forward with the plan to overthrow Castro. The invasion was a fail, Castro did not get harmed and a lot of innocent people died. As a Cuban this is scary knowing that the land you live in just got attacked by a neighboring country. While all this was happening the Soviet Union s support of Castro grew so as the hostility of the United States. The United States had placed missiles in Turkey which was in range of the Soviet Union. So knowing this the Soviet Union had placed missiles in Cuba which would even the playing field. In addition the Soviet Union had tried to secretly send over nuclear weapons to Cuba. The secret did not last long because the United States had found out that nuclear weapons had been placed notShow MoreRelatedWhat Major Events in the Cold War Caused Fidel Castro to Side with the Soviet Union Super Power?805 Words   |  4 PagesWhat major events in the Cold War caused Fidel Castro to side with the Soviet Union Super Power? In the 1960’s the world was largely dominated by the Cold War which was a long period of tension and hostility that only occasionally broke out into open warfare. 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