Thursday, November 21, 2019

Our town paper review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Our town paper review - Essay Example The play has been divided in to three acts and each has been separated with different titles entertaining the audience with three different experiences. The first Act entitled, ‘Daily Life’ introduces the audience to Grover’s Corners, a small town in New Hampshire in the year 1901. Here the playwright brings the audience’s attention to the Gidds and Webb family. The second act throws light to the wedding day of George and Emily. Then the playwright, in a flash back mood presents the past life of Emily and Geroge, specifically on their deep attachment each other. The final act renders the futility of human life through the removal of scenes to the grave of Emily and her desire to live some more hours on earth after death. The style of the presentation of the play makes one infer that it can certainly be regarded as a touching play. Analyzing the play, one can see various elements like acting, directing, scenery, costumes, lighting and text, exert notable rol e in enhancing the performance level of the play. Regarding the performance of the play, it is worth noticing that the performers were up to the mark that is, they exactly performed the roles the director assigned them. The presentation of the character of the Stage Manager can be cited as the best example where the Manger guides the story, intervening in the plot, and in different scenes and actions to enhance the aesthetic appreciation of the play. To a certain extent, one can infer that the Stage Manager in the play guides the plot and actions. Furthermore, the presentation of the milkman and the newspaper boy help to comprehend the daily life of the American people. The more emotional scenes in Our Town - notably the Act II wedding - suffer from the lack of a warm Stage Manager. The part as well as the absence of the Stage Manager is noteworthy when Frank Rich rightly evaluates; â€Å"The more emotional scenes in Our Town - notably the Act II wedding - suffer from the lack of a warm Stage Manager†

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